Step into Lisaopolis:

Pennsylvania's Most Interesting Blog

19 August 2006

my fingers are KILLING me, I say, KILLING me!

Firstly, you really should scroll down to my past few posts because there are some really funny pics. OK, at least I think they are funny. And by this point, I should have piqued your insatiable curiosity, so go ahead! I'm not tracking your scrolling or mouse movements here (yet...aint it fun to read a researcher's blog? mwhahahha. We're so hypertextual).

Secondly, for all those days you've nearly died of curiosity about what grad students do, I provide to you today, dear readership, a Photo Essay Montage (a.k.a., a way for me to take a break from very concentrated work at the comptuer before I go googly-eyed for the night). Ah, the the much anticipated Most Interesting Scenes of the Glamour of Grad School. Knowledge is Power!

Enjoy, ok, I have to remember this is a 'break' and not 'the end of the work night'. Tootles!

Exhibit A: Why have one computer when you can work on two at once? It's easier than me figuring out how to merge my EndNote libraries....

Exhibit B: I'm an 'article' kinda girl myself, primarily...

Exhibit C: the astute viewer will note that (A) it has gotten darker but that (B) the pile is smaller...

Exhibit D: someday my Moleskine brand notebooks will fetch a pretty penny on Ebay (for the record, I have been using Moleskines for years and am pleased to see they have become 'trendy').

Exhibit E: it's a tad hot and stuffy in here. Makes reading and thinking real fun. Thank goodness my tiny "Nancy Drew's Guide To Life" is at the ready, all the time...

OK, I hope this has been an enriching moment of your life. I'm going to finish this pile and then head to bed to be fit for Tomorrow, the Day of Mass Writing. Geeking out is fun, but it's more fun without looming deadlines. Oh well, there are times in life we have to do things we don't necessarily ENJOY at the time. Tough nookies!


At 20 August, 2006 22:30, Anonymous Anonym said...

I heart the photo montage!!!! esp. seeing the shrinking pile as the sun fades!! way to paddle through the storm. okay i'll work on the newsletter now which takes no real reading but just figuring out technicalities! i had a very relaxing day, read the funnies, ate some food that's just never as good as cruise food (whaambulance!) and okay will put in an hour of work, goodnight!

At 21 August, 2006 01:34, Anonymous Anonym said...

Dear Administrator/ Singer/ Songwriter of "Sister L's Study Skillz,"

Your workin montage got me started on loggin in 3 hours of work. Merci! I'm not done but hey I'm closer to being done

At 21 August, 2006 02:03, Anonymous Anonym said...

does it really please you when something you have embraced before it was cool becomes "trendy"?

i guess u r a bigger person than me, cuz that makes me mad.I suppose I am a snob when it comes to that. I like to take the credit for discovering something ahead of the masses. I love a leader, but despise follower/sheep.

At 21 August, 2006 09:16, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

no, it doesn't really please me (I was trying to be a tad sarcastic there). Sounds like we're snobs in the same regard, very good!

At 21 August, 2006 21:42, Blogger psu.acoustician said...

where do you get your moleskin? i used to use them (early college) and cannot find them for a resonable price... trendy has made them pricey!

At 21 August, 2006 23:50, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

they are everywhere. Locally at Websters. I'm sure Ebay has stashes of them too...


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