Step into Lisaopolis:

Pennsylvania's Most Interesting Blog

19 Februar 2006

working hard & hardly working

Another episode of Blog World Reality:

Lisaopolis and Red, Red, Rine double check the French skating judge's tallied points. Or are they downloading objectionable material? Or are they designing a top-secret study? The world may never know! But whatever the case, it's Most Intersting that that water pitcher is in very sharp focus, no?


At 19 Februar, 2006 23:52, Blogger Emily:) said...

Man are we hot!!! And, just for the record, I'm personally devising strategies to be emailed to the US men's curling team;)

At 20 Februar, 2006 10:37, Anonymous Anonym said...

hatching new corpus schemes? plotting new pedagogical interventions? sounds like highly suspect subterfuge to me...

At 20 Februar, 2006 18:01, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

Suspect subterfuge indeed. Is it coincidence that the US ice dancing pair landed the silver medal, the first for an American pair in eons? Mwahahha....

At 20 Februar, 2006 19:20, Blogger psu.acoustician said...

the water pitcher has upstaged you both!

At 23 Februar, 2006 22:51, Anonymous Anonym said...

L, it actually looks more like you're saying "(audible inhale, and rustly Bad Stereotypical Foreigner exhale)" and Red Red Rine is saying "NEEEE-E-E-E-e-e-e-ehee-he-o-a-h-e-o-h-hnnnyahhh-a-h (developed to its full potential, including tipped over bench + rootbeer float- glasses)"

Both of these expressions are tremendously fulfilling for me to enunciate to myself.

Thank you.

Umm. What kind of beverages were those?

At 24 Februar, 2006 01:09, Anonymous Anonym said...

curling is fun.

At 24 Februar, 2006 01:16, Anonymous Anonym said...

whats up with the recent increase in nascar's popularity?
i guess its cool to be redneck.
case in pt, paying $6 for a PBR at a trendy portland bar? comeon.

and whats up with the shanghai tunnels in portlanD? i was just made aware of the city's shady past. amazing!

pinot noir. its great! a bottle is a little too much for one sitting tho!

At 27 Februar, 2006 00:41, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

Anon, i love the stream of consciousness, I mean crack-style, writing! reveal yourself!


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