Step into Lisaopolis:

Pennsylvania's Most Interesting Blog

27 März 2006

poor man's crack... the form of facebook dot com and Google Scholar. Oh my, too much fun surfing away.

And I think spring is here, slowly but surely. Add your riveting comments to this paltry and, gasp, boring, entry:


At 28 März, 2006 08:26, Blogger psu.acoustician said...

here, i'll give you a topice...

what kind of mandolin can you but for $500?


At 28 März, 2006 10:54, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

Hmmm, 500 is a hard range. I always find that way lower or double that is where I end up. In other words, if you're going for 500, save the $$ til you can do higher quality rather than be rid of the $$ for something you may or may not be keeping and loving. But that's just me.

If I can offer any tips I'd say go for made in N.America, all solid woods, hard shell case a must, electronics not necessary (you can have them installed later if desired) and try out many many many until you find that one that sings to you and makes you want to play it daily.

BTW I have an Epiphone MM-30 (solid top, they don't make that anymore in this model) A-style I'm willing to sell, great starter mando, recently set up by guys at Rainbow Music. Lemme know.

At 29 März, 2006 01:14, Anonymous Anonym said...


At 30 März, 2006 01:05, Blogger Lisaopolis said...

yes, I believe Penna. was named after Keystone Beer in 1991. Authorities intended to call it 'Keystone Light" or "Keystone ICE" but that led to some sort of copyright infringement.

Don't believe the hype that "Pennsylvania" means "Penn's Woods". All lies spread by the MAN!


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