Step into Lisaopolis:

Pennsylvania's Most Interesting Blog

06 Februar 2006

That $#!*%!@ Stillers Song is stuck in my head!

For today's reading pleasure, hop on over to Red Red Rine feat. Token Seahawk Fan Lisaopolis for evidence of Steelers fans in their native environment. Let me wallow while you look at this pic:

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OK, here are more: Oh, but wait. Go on over to Ginapalooza to read about how one of her fellow "E" High School alums and younger brother of good and longtime fried of Our Sister Who Doesn't Have Her Own Damn Blog Yet (code name "Alpha") was in one of the TGI Friday's commercials that aired during the Super Bowl. Thank goodness someone from that treacherous institution where every second car was a made in Germany (if you get my drift) made it in show biz. I always thought I'd be the one, but no-ho-ho I had to go sit on the bus every morning for 45 mins to that other high school because this high school where these kids went wasn't even built yet. But I'm famous in my own way so, it's all good 'n that. I'd link his actor info here but am really into NOT revealing full names. EVER. Apparently this guy is doing all sorts of commercials and is the shiznit. Since getting Showtime, I mostly watch its original series and movies, with very few adverts so--wait, I wasn't I talking about the Super Bowl?

Now, for your viewing "Spass" (that's German for 'click on the pics! They enlarge!')

Let the games begin...note it is still light out and the 'growler' beer vessel still full...

I vant the last drop!

Awwww, there's not enough for Baby Lisaopolis...

Nothing says 'Picksburg' like coleslaw and fries...ON the Rothlisburger!

To balance regional specialties, I also ordered the steamed clams...

...which kind of gets a similar reaction to, say, if you ordered cole slaw and fries ON your burger in the PacNW. Here: a transplant demos the Clam Suck: aka, 'you are finding me sexy, no?'

Uh oh, getting pretty quiet when the Seahawks pick off that near-touchdown pass...(and these guys were easy on the eyes)

well, THAT silencer was short lived...

Juliet Romeo and Mommymatic star in "Extreme Camera Flash II"

Gosh, these fans are everywhere!

Check out the coach on TV, too precious!

A 'terrible towel', up close and personal. I think Red, Red Rine is actually nearly tinkling with delight here...

'Why, I'd LOVE to hear that "Steelers Song" ONE. MORE. TIME. yes I would..." (shya! NOT).