oh oh Canada...
Since we're on a ship and all and paying by the milisecond for this internet connection, today's quick Simul-Blog from Ginapalooza and Lisaopolis will serve to illustrate our stellar photography skillz. Ah, pretty babies!
Greetings from Nova Scotia...just the Halifax, ma'am, just the Halifax. Halifaxually, it's a beautiful town there eh.
"It's the truth, it's actual, everything is Halifaxual, zippidee doo daah...."
Oh ya sure! The Canadian dollar is like almost one-to-one there now with the USD. Swell!
BELOW: Ginapalooza reacts to the new knowledge that New Brunswick, which we visited yesterday by way of a day in Saint John, is the only officially bilingual proverz in Canada. "Gosh, but what about Kay-Beck?" you may be asking yourselves. Nope, it's not bilangue, it's French. Geez.
BELOW: Here, living proof of our middle sister, "Anne of Green Gables and/or Halifax". By the way, I do believe that the storybook Anne of Green Gables wins the prize as "Most Famous Canadian Who Never -REALLY- Existed". Our Anne is pictured here with our dear grandmother who, yes, just turned NINETY (90) and walked over the Big 'Fax in better shape than I did....here's to good genes, ladies!
MUST run, as Ginapalooza is no longer amused at waiting for these photos to (NOT) load and needs to hit the Blackjack table PRONTO.