Step into Lisaopolis:

Pennsylvania's Most Interesting Blog

28 Jänner 2007

home spa

OK, I've discovered another guilty pleasure: those Shower Soother* thingies, available at your drug store. Drop one tablet onto your shower floor, hit the water on to super hot, and watch the steam arise with menthol and eucalyptus and whatnot scents. For the record I did not select the 'vanilla mint' pack even though it was cheaper because I'm sorry, those two scents together makes as much sense to me as the skank incense my downstairs neighbors set off.

But the menthol one is very soothing. The experience is so very "Kräuterbad" (I'm not sure how to translate that because I've never heard of such a thing in the herbal bath?) and I feel like I should be charged a fee after I step out of the shower all sexy. Your bathroom will be steamed up. Breathe deep. Bao chicka bao baao. Recommended mode: by candlelight. Don't forget everyone, save water, shower with a friend.

So that's all for today. Back to watching the snow fall lightly outside today as I ponder how quickly I want to get back to paper writing. I heart deadlines!

*this post not endorsed by SudaCare (but we can cut a deal...)