ah, finals week...
...always holds a special place in my heart. For those who are not employed in the academic (or related) field, finals week is that special time of every semester that finds us at high stress levels from immediate due dates and deadlines and obligations and also, in the case of the fall semester, rushing to get all your junk together to Get Out Of Town for Christmas and other winter holidays. It's super fun! This brief photo essay gleaned from shots taken this very eve serve to illustrate the hillarity of it all..."Viel SPAB" (Beccatron, 2004)
Happiness is realizing that book on the fall of the Habsburg Empire you excitedly bought in Austria to offer a 'different' perspective to that deferred paper due last spring is actually a German translation of a British work, and the original (and likely better) version is available for free in your campus library...!
You think Beccatron is correcting workbooks but she's really just entering top secret cubicle gossip into the federal database...
Natedawg: "You talkin' ta ME?"
Josue muses actually clicking 'send' on that nasty-gram to his academic archnemesis...
Tej: "will you grade these for me? Why not? Wait, where are you going?"
But the real winner photo from the German cubes is: Die Imk im neuen Grad-Student-Look!
Just to make sure we were not the only ones feeling a little like just wanting to take naps but not ever sleeping because there's too much to do, we turned across the way to our friends in the French Department, or, as we lovingly call them, 'The Frenchies'. We are pretty sure they have a nickname for us because these people seem to nickname everyone, but we're not sure what it actually is. Something about 'Allemands' but probably with a clever adjective in front (or after?) it...allors, here we go:
Clearly have already hit cocktail hour!
A warning sign to all undergrads who enter here?
Should we tell Mlle. "A" that her book is upside..--nah..
May your days be merry and bright! Good luck everyone!